Nick Dreher

nick dreher headshot



Policy Director

Nick Dreher is the Policy Director of MEEA and is responsible for overseeing MEEA's policy and advocacy operations. 

Leveraging a decade of experience in natural resources public policy, Nick is committed to increasing awareness and impact of energy efficiency policies throughout the Midwest, with a special focus on energy equity and inclusion, industrial policy and energy efficiency's economic and societal benefits. His areas of expertise include: affordable multifamily energy efficiency, industrial energy efficiency, integrated resource planning, energy efficiency resource standards and cost-effectiveness testing.

Nick was named as one of the 2019 recipients of Midwest Energy News' 40 Under 40 leaders in the clean energy economy. 

Nick has been with MEEA since 2015, most recently serving as Senior Policy Manager, and was responsible for advancing state energy efficiency policies while developing strategic relationships with decision makers and energy efficiency industry stakeholders. Prior to joining MEEA, Nick worked in coastal zone management and land use policy, processing development permits, drafting coastal policy language and working to maintain unfettered coastal shoreline access for the public.

Nick earned a J.D. and a Master’s in Environmental Law and Policy at Vermont Law School and a B.A. in Rhetoric at the University of California, at Berkeley. In his free time, Nick enjoys backpacking, hiking, biking and spending time with his partner Mary and two dogs, Hattie and Arrow.

Author Latest Articles

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Policy Summit Preview: Good EE Policy for Economic Growth

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