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Advocacy Toolkit

MEEA’s Advocacy Toolkit brings together resources to help convey the benefits of energy efficiency to policymakers and stakeholders. The policy newsletters, advocacy resources and Midwest Spotlight help promote energy efficiency as the most affordable energy resource for the Midwest.

Skip ahead: Knowledge Building | Messaging | Presentations | EE Spotlight | Meet Our Team

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MEEA's Policy Team follows the latest policy developments within our 13-state footprint. For the latest news, read our Policy Insider and Midwest Building Efficiency Status Report, which are both updated regularly to aid members in their outreach, education and advocacy initiatives.

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Fact Sheets

Explore MEEA’s fact sheet database for information on issues like energy efficiency resource standards, state-specific policies, building codes and innovative efficiency programs.

Jobs and Economic Benefits

Read MEEA’s report on The Economic Impacts of Energy Efficiency Investments in the Midwest (summary / full report), with specific data for the states of IndianaMichigan and Ohio. Prepared by Cadmus, these reports detail job creation, electricity savings, economic growth and more. 

Energy Efficiency Policies in the Midwest: A Roadmap to Maximizing Energy Savings

Each state in the Midwest has unique policies that promote energy efficiency investment and energy savings for customers. This guide explores the different approaches to and the positive impacts of well-designed energy efficiency policy, and who can benefit from energy efficiency programs.

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Messaging Energy Efficiency

While energy efficiency policies bring economic, environmental and grid security benefits to states, that is often not the message that policymakers hear. This guide provides tips and effective messages for discussing energy efficiency with policymakers and stakeholders.

Energy Efficiency: Fact vs. Fiction

This document provides advocates with rebuttals to the most common misconceptions concerning energy efficiency. 

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Ask a MEEA Staffer and Lunch-and-Learns

MEEA’s policy staff is available to answer your questions and explain the latest trends in the Midwest. For a deep dive on a topic or policy proposal, MEEA members can contact Samarth Medakkar to schedule a “lunch and learn” or to receive subject matter support.  

Policy Webinars

MEEA hosts regular webinars on a variety of policy and technical topics facing our region. Click here to view past webinars. If you have ideas on a topic you would like MEEA to cover please contact Samarth Medakkar.

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The Midwest Energy Efficiency Spotlight is an annual publication that showcases the positive impacts that energy efficiency policies and programs have had on the region’s residents and businesses. The Spotlight highlights 13 metrics, including electricity and natural gas savings, energy savings from building energy codes, energy efficiency jobs and manufacturers of energy efficient products in our region.

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MEEA's Policy Team and Building Policy Team bring knowledge, diverse backgrounds and experiences to the energy efficiency sector. Meet our staff and learn more about the Policy Team and Building Policy Team’s work.