As a part of the CEE's Efficient Technology Accelerator, CEE is tasked with calculating energy savings from their work in the market, and need to identify how many qualifying units are sold in the state of Minnesota. For air source heat pumps (ASHPs) and dual fuel heat pump roof top units (RTUs), there are not full statewide data sets or estimates of technology units sold that are readily available. CEE is working with some distributors and manufacturers to obtain their sales data; however, they know they will not have a complete set of sales data. Because of this, CEE needs to extrapolate the sales data we do have to the full state, and we need assistance in determining market share of different distributors and manufacturers to identify what portion of the market the sales data we obtain represents.
In addition, CEE would like to learn more about the commercial HVAC market as it relates to energy recovery ventilators (ERVs) and RTUs and are looking for some market mapping, characterization, and key insights. CEE is hoping to use this research effort to identify areas for strategic influence as well as track market progress indicators related to our work in the market in Minnesota.
Thus, CEE is seeking qualified contractors to provide research and insights into these three areas:
- Residential ASHP market share in MN
- Commercial HVAC (RTU and ERV) market share in MN
- Commercial HVAC (RTU and ERV) market mapping/characterization in MN
Written Proposals Due: Friday, March 28th by 5 p.m. CT.