ComED Energy Efficiency Plan 7 RFP

On February 28, 2025, ComEd filed its 2026-2029 Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Plan (“Plan” or “Plan 7”) and the accompanying 2026-2029 Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Plan Stipulation Agreement (“Stipulation”), for approval by the Illinois Commerce Commission (“Commission” or “ICC”). The Plan, which will be accepting bids as part of a Request For Proposal (“RFP”), is ComEd’s seventh energy efficiency and demand response plan, and covers the four-year period commencing January 1, 2026, and extending through December 31, 2029. Accordingly, ComEd will be issuing an RFP to identify qualified Implementation Contractors to deliver the portfolio of energy efficiency programs detailed in the Plan. All potential respondents should familiarize themselves with Plan 7 and the Stipulation.

Invitations to participate in the Commonwealth Edison Energy Efficiency Plan 7 RFP will be tentatively sent between March 14 – March 20, 2025.

Registration Information
If you are interested in participating in this RFP, please first confirm your registration in Smart GEP, the Exelon vendor portal. Login, or if you do not have an Exelon profile, begin here at Becoming a Supplier for Exelon - Suppliers - Exelon

Once you have confirmed your registration, please email Noah Jawdat ( so you can be invited to participate in the RFP. Note that your company’s registration status must be noted as APPROVED in the vendor portal, Smart GEP, by responding to all required registration questions before you are able to participate in this RFP.

Learn more about the programs for the upcoming RFP here