RFP Bid Opportunity for Nicor Gas Home Energy Reports Program

Nicor Gas will soon release a request for proposal (RFP) to solicit and select a single implementer for the Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency Program – Home Energy Reports (HER) Behavior Modification Program. The Company expects the Contractor to manage the program for a 48-month period, commencing January 1, 2022 and ending December 31, 2025. Final therm-savings reporting will take place on or before March 1, 2026.

It is expected that the selected implementer will not only deliver quality work product on time and on budget, but also bring value added innovations, expertise and experience to the program. Innovative methods and strategies designed to increase therm savings, enhance the customer experience and provide opportunities for diverse sub-contractor partners (if the implementer is not an MBE) will be evaluated favorably during the selection phase of this RFP.

Anyone interested in being invited to bid should send their company name, contact name, contact title, contact email and contact phone as soon as possible to:

Steve Grzenia, Program Manager, Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency Program: sgrzeni@southernco.com