RFP for Nicor Gas' 2022-2025 Energy Efficiency Portfolio


This announcement describes the Nicor Gas Request for Proposal (RFP) for its Energy Efficiency Program (EEP) for select implementation contractors that will be issued for its next four-year Energy Efficiency portfolio plan (2022-2025). The plan is being implemented in compliance with the requirements of Section 8-104 of the Public Utilities Act. This next four-year cycle builds on a successful portfolio for Nicor Gas customers that began in 2011.


Nicor Gas will be issuing a Request for Proposal (“RFP”), on or around July 30, 2021 to select Implementation Contractors to manage multiple energy efficiency programs for its next four-year portfolio plan covering the period of January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2025. The programs covered under this RFP include Home Energy Efficiency Rebates (residential prescriptive offerings), Business Energy Efficiency Rebates (business prescriptive offerings), Small Business, Strategic Energy Management, and Business Custom Incentives (including a Retro-Commissioning program and Combined Heat and Power program). While it is our intention to award the programs to a single implementer, we may decide to contract with multiple implementers at our discretion.

Registration Information

If you are interested in participating in this RFP, please email Steve Grzenia (sgrzeni@southernco.com) with a note regarding your intention to bid. Include your name, company name, title, phone contact(s) and email address. If more than one contact is provided, please indicate your primary contact. Also note if your company is recognized as a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women Business Enterprise (WBE), or Veteran Business Enterprise (VBE). Additional information and specific bid instructions will be provided following receipt of your email. Your notice of intention is not an obligation to submit a proposal. There is no requirement to pre-register for this RFP, however, once the RFP is released, all bidders will be required to comply with the bid submission requirements.